In 2025 Dance Deeper

The 2025 Art of Ensoulment Journey

How will you navigate the year ahead? Who is on your spirit team? Will you be truly seen and credentialed for who you are, wise in body and soul?

Don’t try to change the world. Dance the world. Come round’ right! True body and soul to Earth’s Spirit as our ancestors did. Sing. Rest. Make offerings to the Great Dance and let it dance you. GuideDANCE is there. As Teilhard de Chardin said, “We only have to go a little beyond the frontier of sensible appearances in order to see the divine.”

I market my course only for a short window. I’ll soon be onto my 2025 writing projects, including an illustrated book called The Great Dance I’ll create with Ruth Showalter and Marla Durden and I’ll be writing for paid subscribers on how I came to my vow “I Take My Whiteness Upon Myself as a Condition of My Liberation.”

Now, at this moment, I am seeking wise, playful, sensitive people who are looking for a new way that rises from the Dancing Center.

We will illuminate the path, amplify communion with inner and outer worlds, and connect the way trees, molecules, and waves do. We will step through love’s portal onto a divine playground rich with resources and honest people. No solemn oath is needed other than to honor each living being in the Dance of Life.

I am privileged to offer

  • Compassionate tools for high-sensitivity

  • Support for a creative, artistic life.

  • Strengthened spontaneity, the signature of soul.

  • A joyful, motley crew of coaches, therapists, and spiritual practitioners.

  • Credentialing for your beautiful, spiritual intelligence.

  • Strategies for energy, clarity of vision, courage to love.

  • A Guest Membership in The Dancing Center.

How it works.

Start with The Welcome Retreat: “Tend Body and Soul.”  We’ll meet to play, restore ourselves, and explore the Hidden Monastery, Dance Chapels, and Beloved Practices in the Art of Ensoulment Courses. Jan 8th, 9:30-11:30 am Pacific. This is optional.

Register for The Four Beloved Practices Course- for anyone seeking wisdom and support to create from body and soul.

  • Four two-hour monthly workshops January-April. 4th Wednesdays 9:30-11:30 PT Restore the dancing ground of 1) Your Ancestry and Spirit Team, 2) Your Creative Birthrights, 3) Your Belonging and Purpose, and 4) Your Dance with Suffering.

  • Choose a Creative Practicum: After each class, play and put what you learned into practice in four individual or group sessions with an Ensoulment Coach of your choice. Personalize the four beloved practices in your body, soul, and life. As Ruth Schowalter, Visionary Artist, and Educator, says,To not only understand the concept of the Divine web of creation but to also dance that web, visualize it, draw it, and do it all over again has taught me how to access the depth of my own soulfulness. Learning methods to power my soul up and power my soul down is just part of this humble journey of seeking to restore my rightful relationship to the body. Cynthia's Ensoulment offerings have helped me live the spiritual Life I was seeking.”


Cynthia’s Coaches Practicum meets Second Wednes Feb 12, Mar 12, April 9, May 14 @ 9:30-11. PT. If you’ve already done the AOE course, you can take the coach's practicum as a stand-alone. Get direct connection with me and other coaches as we credential each other’s gifts and service. Includes

  • A 30-minute personalized session with Cynthia

  • Four 90-minute group coaching sessions with Cynthia PLUS

  • Free Participation in Future Art of Ensoulment Basic courses

  • Access to Workshop Curriculums

  • Credentialing as an Art of Ensoulment Coach

  • Support as I publicly recognize your unique gifts

  • Cost 725 if this is your first Beloved Practices Course. (182/month)

    250 for the practicum only. Ask about discounts.

Wai-Chin’s Matsuoka offers 4 Beloved Practices for a Soul-ful Life 3rd Saturday, monthly Feb 15, Mar 15, Apr 19 & May 17 @ 7:30-9:30 am PT/ 9:30 - 11:30 AM CT. Wai-Chin weaves story-telling, songs, movements, connection, breath, writing, doodling, and contemplative practices into a fabric of resilience and flourishing to help navigate this new year. Explore mystery, creativity, spontaneity, and discover life-expanding, whole-making, and earth-caring ways of life. Come join us and live into a Soul-Full Life! 250 for four sessions.

Áine E. deDanaan offers By Birch, Hazel, Ash, and Yew: An Online Ensoulment Practicum rooted in Celtic spirit wisdom, Thursdays, Feb 13, March 13th, April 10th, May 8th, 12:30-2pm (ET)/9:30-11am (PT). Initiated by her Celtic ancestry, Áine invites participants to dance, create poetry of word and movement, and allow our imaginations to divine the mysteries of our unique journeys as we honor the landscapes where we dwell through writings and wisdom from Celtic lore and cultural traditions. Email for four sessions.

Penny Hacket Evans offers Playing with Words and Spirit! First Wednesdays Feb. 5, March 5, April 2, and May 7, 90 minutes. 250 for four sessions.

Ruba Byrd offers Intuitive Singing Creative Practicum First Fridays February-May, Time TBD Explore singing as a spiritual practice. Or in a 1:1 session discover how songs arise from the depths of soul and open healing pathways into the Mystery that holds us in love. Ruba is a certified InterPlay leader, SoulCollage facilitator, improvisational singer, spiritual director, and Quaker pastor who offers spiritual companionship through the expressive arts. RubaByrd@yahoo.250 for four sessions.

Ruth Showalter offers AOE Creative Marks Practicum: Visual Soul Play.
2nd Mondays at 11:00 AM – Noon (PT), Jan 13, Feb 10, March 10, and April 14
We will initiate and bless a mixed-media notebook as a sacred space for exploring the embodied soul. Each session invites you to explore themes like the Sovereignty of Soul, the interconnected “Webby-We” of relationships (me-of-me and you-of-you), and the mapping of your Spirit-Team. Gather your pens and pencils to paints and collage supplies—and come ready to create, connect, and presence your soul visually. For the mixed-media notebook, I recommend Strathmore,11” x 14,” 40 pages. 250 for four sessions.

Consider four 1-1 Sessions with Judy Shook, Sharie Bowman or any Ensoulment Coach! Email 250 for four sessions.

To be credentialed at the end of the course

1 Set up an appointment to check in with me.

2. Send a recommendation from a client or peer.

3. Send a mini bio and photo for the AOE list.

Look ahead to Fall Course on Efficiency of Energy, Clarity of Vision, and Courage to Love. Eight brilliant embodied strategies that support artfulness with energy, vision, and love. Eight two-hour weekly sessions, usually in the Fall. I give a $100 Discount to enrollees in the Winter Beloved Practices Course.

For people seeking a community of practice that gets you!
The New AOE Coaching Circle
Join me and other coaches and also get amazing resources, Cost: $250 annual subscription.

Get Free Participation in any future Art of Ensoulment Course, plus

  • Two Annual Zoom Playgroups with Current Ensoulment Coaches.

  • The Coaches Practicum Wed Feb 12, Mar 12, April 9, May 14 @ 9:30-11.

  • A Spring AOE Summit/Retreat on Zoom

  • Access to Workshop Curriculums and Resources

  • A $75.00 discounted individual session with me

  • Financial support to lead AOE-sponsored 1:1s and creative practicums earning $40-55 per person monthly. 1:1 sessions earn $75-95/per session or up to you.

  • Support to use Playbook materials beyond my courses.

  • Space to contribute to Art of Ensoulment research.

  • Promotion of your AOE offerings.

Agreements and Considerations

  1. What do I mean by credentialing? Institutional programs rarely witness and honor creative, mystical, and embodied healing services. As a result, few offer real community and partnership. Art of Ensoulment Credentialing is a gentle, playful way of reweaving our web of belonging.

  1. I use the word coach lightly. It is not an obligation. It's not work. The language of coaching is a newer service strategy less laden with pictures, hoops, and beliefs. I use it to demythologize layers of belief so that our imaginations can move more directly to our experience.

    1. No need to build a social presence to coach! Your Presence is enough.

    2. No need to be a Playbook expert to coach. The wild beauty of your body and soul is enough. No need to take on the whole enchilada.

    3. No need to teach like me. We need YOUR spirit team, creativity, and purpose. May the Four Beloved Practices of the Art of Ensoulment serve our diversity.

  1. Why do I offer the course free after the first time through? Returnees nourish collective wisdom.

  1. No need to spend big bucks. I financially respect

    1. those recovering from the consequences of genocide

    2. people under forty enduring out-of-control capitalism

    3. those whose work is financially undervalued.

Tell me what you can afford. Email me at Cynthia Winton-Henry if you have questions.

I am blown away by what people are saying, but like so much of what I do, its hard to explain. I think this just means I am a wee bit ahead of the curve for some. As far as the ancestors- I think they are waiting for us all to catch up!

I’d love to see you!