Thank you for this cure-action!

It is important truth. Sigh! At least she ends with the David Korton question. What will future generations call these two decades? May it be the Great Turning! Or if it is Unraveling, may those who weave be blessed, fruitful, and multiply!

A book Canoeing the Mountains was helpful for me in the last years of my service in local congregations. It started off saying Christendom is dead. The beginning of that death was marked in the 1970s - when I was in high school. Even then, my call to ministry looked nothing like local church. But, the institution allowed little room for my vision at the time.

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Thank you for this reflection Judy. As you know we are in similar if not the same canoe

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Thank you Cynthia for sharing your curations. Love the surprise in encountering the root meaning of that word. There are so many jewels out there, all so compelling. To relieve myself from being overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of what's available, I say to myself, "Feed the monkey one banana at a time". These days, I am enjoying Monisha Mittal's Divine Revelations Dance Chapel's newsletters.

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Hope you are healing well, Cynthia. Your bodyspirit sure knows endurance and persistence!!

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