you’re welcome ruth. it’s my privilege and joy

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hehe. My 60th birthday--- now turning 68 and a little worse for wear. But still in the same window of life. Thanks so much JO.

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This is powerful, Cynthia! Thank you for sharing your vision with us! I am still leading movement every Sunday morning with my worship community, and I always add the comment, 'Because we believe that the Divine is incarnate in our bodies for a reason." I celebrate the ensoulment that our bodies are sacred!

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so good kimberly❤️💖

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I will follow you wherever you go if I am able. The thing is, you enable me. You are the kindest and most supportive guide. Thank you for letting me see what is visible of the soul...for presencing the soul in each dance, each movement, each thought, each act, each breath... This sub stack location intrigues me....another mystery to step into. I'm so excited for you as you begin this next journey in sharing your wisdom.

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I love these lines: "I’m shifting from live teaching to hand-crafted offerings to honor my age and my sensitive body. But my desire to share has not ebbed." I honor the wisdom you claim for yourself here! And grateful you continue to find ways to share.

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Your Art of Ensoulment speaks deeply to my soul. Thank you for putting this out into the world! Your guidance and companionship through my own chronic disease and other life challenges has been a gift that makes my soul smile!

Your comment about dance being your first language rings true! I wonder if mine is gardening? Perhaps it’s priestess…

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i think your first language might be ceremony

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Thank you Judy. such an honor and joy

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Wonderful to see you in another kind of movement—Alleluia

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Beautiful Cynthia, I love the line, "the dance of life lies below articulation "...is difficult to put into words. I am so grateful for the many ways that kind of silence is honoured in your teachings. Be assured that you if you feel like you're dancing in the dark, that darkness is rich and inviting, and I come to know myself in it. Thank you for your generous sharing of words, music, images, and presence. I've been so uplifted by them all.

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THank you so much Lena. Ditto!

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So glad you found Substack!

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Congratulations on this next adventure, Cynthia!

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Thanks so much June!

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Grateful for you, Cynthia, and your dancing spirit! Looking forward to continue sharing in your massive wisdom! <3

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You are looking healthy, happy, and beautiful! That outfit is stunning. It is great to see you!

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Thanks Cynthia. Changing everything at once has been good but also overwhelming. I just try and take it one step at a time.

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