How many thank yous can I give to one person in a lifetime. Perhaps i should express my admiration and love for you as gratitude...oh, I've done plenty of those too!

Okay, here goes...You're the best (I think I've done that one numerous times as well...)

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hehehe. gratitude is endless in all directions and a song that keeps on singing. I feel it for you too.

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Thank you…thank you Cynthia. The essence of your spirit teachings has brought me out of many depressions in the last 25 years. The renewed energy has rippled out to all of the children I have taught. I wander away, but always come back to what I call dancing Hope. I find it in the communities that your work has created. I will always treasure my time with you at Ghost Ranch❣️

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Dancing Hope! I love that. Those words are so purposeful, such a light. I see it in you, Anne. Thank you for being here with me. And for all the love you are.

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Thank you from a retired dance teacher, performing arts school owner/manager. You have made my morning brighter.I dance for myself, for God and yet I feel like I should be doing more.

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Debra thank you for sharing. Thank you for the incredible wisdom you have gathered in your life. 1000 bows. I deeply trust that the wisdom does not diminish but actually transmits as light in us if we can relax into it and keep dancing. Even if the dance is in our dying. Thank you for

being here.

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Thank you for these powerful words of wisdom, they help me understand some of what I have been feeling. I am so grateful for all you have created and the gifts of my own creativity that you have awakened in me.

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Nancy you are an inspirational

healer and host of love! The Dance Itself!!

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thank you!

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Wow Cynthia, the 8 wisdoms you've shared here are the medicine I need right now. Thankyou for your art

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With you even at a distance.

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Peace, dear one. You've inspired me to create dance differently and renew my passion for sacred dance more authentically! I've emerged from my transitions with a few beloved communities and new vistas of creativity to explore. Who knew I'd be here! In love and gratitude!

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So wonderful Diana. Grateful to share the journey and to hear about yours.

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